Te Kāhui Hākinakina: Sports Council

Te Kāhui Hākinakina: Sports Council

Our aim

The Sports Council aims to provide guidance and support with sporting activities at the school, in alignment with the school vision of “Inspire, Empower, Challenge, Dream” We encourage fair play, and sportsmanship, and expect our students to adhere to the sports code of conduct.

What we do

Financial Support: 
The Sports Council fundraises to support a scheme that provides high-performance grants to some of the school’s top-level sports people. The aim of the grants is to financially support students who are competing in high level competitions at Regional, National, or International level. The high-performance grants are decided twice a year; in the middle of Term 2 and the end of Term 3, but out-of-cycle applications may be considered. The Council can offer assistance with the cost of funding sporting trips. All the grants that are offered are considered on a case-by-case basis by the grant committee. The application form for this process is included as Appendix 1.

Harness parental involvement:
Many of the parents and teachers involved with the Sports Council have links to sporting bodies or organisations. They bring a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to the school to support all sporting endeavours and encourage other parents to participate.

Provide Coaching Support:
The Sports Council provides support for coaches to attend seminars and workshops, and develop coaches by assisting them to attain qualifications.

Purchase miscellaneous items for sports codes:
Fees are set for each sport, and two dollars from each sports fee goes to the Sports Council. This money is used for the purchase of miscellaneous sports items where needed.

Each year the Sports Council conducts fundraising to support the grants scheme. We seek help from parents, families, and businesses to raise money to assist our students. If you wish to assist or have ideas for support, please contact the Sports Council.